sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Links: E. P. Thompson, Ernst Jünger, Tim Button's The Limits of Realism, Ann Laura Stoler and a call for papers

Past & Present has mabe avaiable for free, until the end of March, fifteen texts on E. P. Thompson's work:
(Thanks to Prof. André Joanilho)

"Jünger in Paris: A Writer’s Wartime Account in the City of Lights", an excerpt from Allan Mitchell's The Devil’s Captain: Ernst Jünger in Nazi Paris, 1941-1944

Tim Button's The Limits of Realism (Oxford University Press, 2013) reviewed by Lieven Decock.

Friday, February 7th, at CUNY: Imperial Debris: Roundtable with Ann Laura Stoler

Call for papers “Democracy: Historical and Semantic Transformations”, to be held at the University of Glasgow, September 3-6th, 2013.

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Critical Inquiry, Volume 40, Issue 2, Winter 2014

The Psychoanalytical Method and the Disaster of Totalitarianism: Borderline States as the Psychical Equivalent of the Discontent in Civilization?
François Villa

Music and Melancholy
Michael P. Steinberg

Avant-Garde in a Different Key: Karl Kraus's The Last Days of Mankind
Marjorie Perloff

Courbet, Incommensurate and Emergent
James D. Herbert

Phenomenology of the Scream
Peter Schwenger

China's Last Communist: Ai Weiwei
Christian Sorace

On the Partiality of Total War
Paul K. Saint-Amour

Another Literary Darwinism
Angus Fletcher

Agamben, the Thought of Sterēsis: An Introduction to Two Essays
Kalpana Seshadri

The Power of Thought
Giorgio Agamben

Vocation and Voice
Giorgio Agamben


quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2014

Journal of the History of Ideas, Volume 75, Number 1, January 2014

Euripides’s Orestes and the Concept of Conscience in Greek Philosophy
Jed W. Atkins

Competing Traditions in the Historiography of Ancient Greek Colonization in Italy
Lela M. Urquhart

Vitoria’s Ideas of Supernatural and Natural Sovereignty: Adam and Eve’s Marriage, the Uncivil Amerindians, and the Global Christian Nation
Toy-Fung Tung

Francis Bacon, Violence, and the Motion of Liberty: The Aristotelian Background
Peter Pesic

Sir John Davies’s Agrarian Law for Ireland
D. Alan Orr

Differing Interpretations of la conscience collective and “the Individual” in Turkey: Émile Durkheim and the Intellectual Origins of the Republic
Hilmi Ozan Özavcı

Review-Essay: Religion and Enlightenment
Simon Grote


For updates about new journal editions and books, please join our Facebook page. : )

terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2014

Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History, edited by Darrin M. McMahon and Samuel Moyn


Out today, January 14h.

Table of Contents
(Source: OUP)

Introduction: Interim Intellectual History, Darrin M. McMahon and Samuel Moyn

1. The Return of the History of Ideas?, Darrin M. McMahon
2. Contextualism and Criticism in the History of Ideas, Peter E. Gordon
3. Does Intellectual History Exist in France?: The Chronicle of a Renaissance Foretold, Antoine Lilti
4. On Conceptual History, Jan-Werner Müller
5. Scandalous Relations: Supplementing Intellectual and Cultural History, Judith Surkis
6. Imaginary Intellectual History, Samuel Moyn
7. Has the History of the Disciplines Had Its Day?, Suzanne Marchand
8. Cosmologies Materialized: History of Science and History of Ideas, John Tresch
9. Decentering Sex: Reflections on Freud, Foucault, and Subjectivity in Intellectual History, Tracie Matysik
10. Can we see ideas? On Evocation, Experience, and Empathy, Marci Shore
11. The Space of Intellect and the Intellect of Space, John Randolph
12. The International Turn in Intellectual History, David Armitage
13. Global Intellectual History and the Indian Political, Shruti Kapila
14. Intellectual History and the Interdisciplinary Ideal, Warren Breckman

sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2014

Books on "Presence"

The topic of the "presence" of the past, alongside with others such as the historical experience, the ethical relationship between present and past, the human-animal relation, etc., has gained increased attention in the last decade by historical theorists, providing a most welcome supplement to the previous discussions focused on the production of meaning. 

Here is a short bibliography on the topic, which also includes some more empirical-oriented studies about the twentieth-century history that deal with "persistent pasts". Suggestions are welcome!

GHOSH, Ranjan & KLEINBERG, Ethan (Eds.). Presence: Philosophy, History, and Cultural Theory for the Twenty-First Century. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013.

GUMBRECHT, Hans Ulrich. After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.

ANKERSMIT, Frank. Presence. In: Meaning, Truth, and Reference in Historical Representation. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012.

MUNSLOW, Alun. The Presence of the Past. In: A History of History. London and New York: Routledge, 2012.

FROEYMAN, Anton. Frank Ankersmit and Eelco Runia: the presence and the otherness of the past. Rethinking History, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 393-415.

BEVERNAGE, Berber. History, Memory, and State-Sponsored Violence: Time and Justice. London: Routledge, 2011.

LORENZ, Chris. Unstuck in Time. Or: the sudden presence of the past. In: TILMANS, Karin, VREE, Frank Van & WINTER Jay (Eds.). Performing the Past: Memory, History and Identity in Modern Europe. Amsterdan: Amsterdan University Press, 2010, pp. 67-102.

PIETTE, Albert. L’acte d’exister : Une phenomenographie de la presence. Socrate Promarex, 2009.

BEVERNAGE, Berber. Time, Presence, and Historical Injustice. History and Theory, vol. 47, n. 2, 2008, pp. 149–167.

RUNIA, Eelco & BROUWER, Elizabeth (Eds.). History and Theory. Forum: On Presence. October 2006, pp. 305-375.

RUNIA, Eelco. Presence. History and Theory, v. 45, n. 1, February 2006, pp 1-29.

GUMBRECHT, Hans Ulrich. Production of Presence: What meaning cannot convey. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.

HUYSSEN, Andreas. Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003.

NANCY, Jean-Luc. The Birth to Presence. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.

STEINER, George. Real Presences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

Roger Chartier - Seven Questions interview with Sudev J Sheth

Disqus - Prefigurations
