quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2013

Hermeneutics and the Humanities: Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer, edited by Madeleine Kasten, Herman Paul and Rico Sneller

Book description from Amazon.com:

Published in 1960, Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method is one of the most influential books on interpretation to have appeared in the past half century. Scholars across the humanities have applied, discussed, and criticized its insights. This volume aims to continue this conversation between hermeneutics and the humanities and tries to map Gadamer’s influence on the humanities, while identifying the possibilities for further interaction between his ideas and contemporary scholarship. This bilingual collection is essential reading for scholars interested in issues of methodology, theory, and philosophy.

Click here to buy Hermeneutics and the Humanities: Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer.

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